CourseCenter Frontend and Backend
This website provides course information and user operations for a Course Center. There are also role-based pages for administrators, teachers and students. The frontend was developed with .Net MVC and the backend was implemented with .Net Core API C#, which is accessible from different frontends.
Immobilien .Net Core MVC MongoDB
The website features the promotion of real estate. Customers can learn more about the company and its properties. There are also management pages for administrators. As an alternative approach, it was developed as a .NET Core MVC project using Entity Framework Core and the MongoDB database.
Mini E-Commerce Software Frontend Backend
The website has been prepared for medium-sized companies and allows selling products over the Internet. The customers can learn about products and there are also management pages for admin. The frontend was developed with Angular Typescript and the backend was implemented with .Net Core API C#.
Reservation System Backend
The software has been prepared to allow customers to make reservations and appointments over the Internet. Notifications of transactions made are communicated to customers via email. The backend was developed with .Net Core WebAPI C#.
Maintenance Information System
A program that works on a local network, prepared to follow the maintenance and repair processes of Medical Devices. It allows keeping business and transaction records and preparing documents.
SMS from Mobile Phone
Instead of using expensive Internet services, it allows to use sms on the mobile phone line. It does this by connection between PC and mobile phone. Bulk sms can be sent.
Generate-Print Barcode
Product barcode labels can be created and printed by entering the information about the products. Thus, all products can be read with a barcode reader.
TV Reminder
It is an Android application designed to give information about television broadcasts and to notify the user before the program starts.
My interest in computers and programming started in my high school years. Of course, at that time, PC-based devices were just launched in my country. At that time I had a computer called Commodore which allowed users only Basic programming and also Machine language / Assembly coding.
Then I dealt with the different types of Basic programming language GWBasic, Qbasic, Visual Basic. I tried to satisfy my curiosity about Ms-Dos, Windows, Linux Operating Systems. Meeting Delphi took me to a different dimension. Databases and Sql language added a different meaning to the programs I wrote. I was also interested in information sharing technology on the web.
After Delphi, which lost its popularity with the closure of Borland company, I started to use C# Programming language in coding with Visual Studio ide. Active web pages could be prepared with the ease provided by Asp.Net technology. Also, the easy database integration was impressive.
The developments in mobile phones and the idea of having a computer in everyone's hands provided all software developers with the opportunity to reach not only companies but also people with the products they prepared. This is how I started to write programs for phones with Android operating system through Eclipse and Anroid Studio and Java Programming language. I was introduced to Python in recent years. With its easy coding and large library, it intrigued me like everyone else.
Because of my curiosity and interest in computers and software, I always tried to follow new technologies. From now on, I am thinking of keeping up with the times by keeping myself up to date by following the developments openly to innovations in my life.